Difference between Elmessenger Basic and Premium

Difference between Elmessenger Basic and Premium

February 01, 20230 min read

ELMessenger Pro Basic Accounts include:

✅ 3-Tags
✅ Unlimited Notes
✅ Unlimited Canned Messages
✅ Automatically send friend requests to new members of groups.
✅ Introduction Message
✅ Automatically Tag the conversation 

ELMessenger Pro Premium Accounts include:

✅ Unlimited Tags
✅ Unlimited Notes
✅ Unlimited Canned Messages 

✅ Manage Inactive Friends
✅ Post Friender
✅ Google Sheet Integration 

✅ ELMessenger Pro Back Office

Create a Basic or Premium Account of Elmessenger Pro at https://myvisionagency.com/elmessenger

I am the CEO and Founder of My Vision Agency, a program where business owners can learn to scale their Vision with A.I.

Bridget Bartlett

I am the CEO and Founder of My Vision Agency, a program where business owners can learn to scale their Vision with A.I.

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