How to manually create Affiliate Leads in Affiliate Manager on High Level

How to manually create Affiliate Leads in Affiliate Manager on High Level

November 27, 20232 min read

In this video, I am going to show you how to manually add a lead to your affiliates in the affiliate manager available in every subaccount of your High Level software.

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Allowing manual leads to be created in an affiliate manager can be beneficial for several reasons:

1. Flexibility in Tracking Various Conversions: Not all conversions are easily trackable through automated means. For instance, phone orders, offline purchases, or custom events might require manual entry to be accurately attributed to affiliates.

2. Handling Exceptions or Edge Cases: In some cases, there might be unique circumstances where a lead or conversion doesn't fit neatly into automated tracking systems. Allowing manual leads allows for flexibility in handling such exceptions.

3. Maintaining Trust with Affiliates: Affiliates may sometimes come across potential customers or leads that they refer through personal connections or offline interactions. Allowing manual leads helps maintain trust by ensuring that affiliates receive credit for their efforts, even in non-standard situations.

4. Ensuring Accuracy and Integrity: Allowing manual leads enables you to have a more accurate representation of your affiliate program's performance. This can be particularly important for reporting, analysis, and decision-making.

5. Supporting Offline Marketing Efforts: If your affiliates engage in offline marketing activities like events, workshops, or seminars, they might acquire leads that aren't easily trackable through online methods. Allowing manual leads accommodates this.

6. Facilitating New Affiliate Onboarding: When onboarding new affiliates, providing them with the ability to manually add leads can be helpful, especially if they have established networks or offline marketing strategies.

7. Handling Special Campaigns or Promotions: Special promotions or campaigns may involve unique tracking methods. Allowing manual leads ensures that affiliates can still receive credit for their efforts during these campaigns.

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I am the CEO and Founder of My Vision Agency, a program where business owners can learn to scale their Vision with A.I.

Bridget Bartlett

I am the CEO and Founder of My Vision Agency, a program where business owners can learn to scale their Vision with A.I.

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