Turn Friend Requests Into Group Members

Turn Friend Requests Into Group Members

February 01, 20232 min read

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Delete Friend Request Script Example Segments:

INTRO: Hey {name}, thank you for the friend request. Unfortunately, I am pretty close to my limit for friend requests. However, I am much more active in my group anyway.

BODY: If you'd like to join, we have free training and tools to help you get leads for your business without paid ads. 

CTA: Here is the link https://bridgetbartlett.com/facebookgroup


INTRO: {name}, thanks for the friend request. I'd love to accept, however, I am pretty close to my limit Facebook allows for friends. Honestly though, I am much more active in my group anyway.

BODY: If you are interested, we have free tools and training to help you get leads for your business without paid ads. 

CTA: You can join at https://bridgetbartlett.com/facebookgroup


INTRO: Hi there {name}, thank you so much for sending me a friend request. I would really love to accept it, but I am nearing my limit for friends on Facebook. To be honest though, I am much more engaged with my group.

BODY: If you would like to join me there, I offer free tools and training to all of my members to help you get leads for online without using paid ads. 

CTA: You can become a member at https://bridgetbartlett.com/facebookgroup


Accept Friend Request Script Example Segments:

INTRO: Hi {name}, thank you for sending me a friend request. I just accepted, however, I am honestly more active in my group. 

BODY: If you'd like to join, we have free training and tools to help you get leads for your business without paid ads. 

CTA: Here is the link https://bridgetbartlett.com/facebookgroup


INTRO: Hey {name}, thanks for the friend request. I just accepted, but, I am actually more active inside my group.

BODY: If you are interested, we have free tools and training to help you get leads for your business without paid ads. 

CTA: You can join at https://bridgetbartlett.com/facebookgroup


INTRO: Hi there {name}, thank you so much for sending me a friend request. I just accepted it. To be honest though, I am much more engaged with my group.

BODY: If you would like to join me there, I offer free tools and training to all of my members to help you get leads for online without using paid ads. 

CTA: You can become a member at https://bridgetbartlett.com/facebookgroup



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I am the CEO and Founder of My Vision Agency, a program where business owners can learn to scale their Vision with A.I.

Bridget Bartlett

I am the CEO and Founder of My Vision Agency, a program where business owners can learn to scale their Vision with A.I.

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